
  • Many of our resources are open source. See the details below.

License for resources

Most of OpenIntro's resources, including the Statistics textbooks, are released under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. Some files are downloaded in a zip directory (or Github repository) include a Read Me file and provide special guidelines to fulfill the attribution component of the license is fulfilled. Derivative works should also be clearly licensed under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license, e.g. by linking to the CC license, so that others may continue to benefit from sharing.

Derivative work cannot be branded or titled in a way that suggests the derivative work is an OpenIntro product or is endorsed by OpenIntro. For example, printing books using the original title of an OpenIntro textbook (to remove ambiguity, this inclues the translation equivalent), such as OpenIntro Statistics or Advanced High School Statistics as examples, is not permitted. Similarly, simply rearranging the words of the title also is insufficient for distinguishing the derivative work. OpenIntro is also a registered trademark. If you would like for a derivative work to branded as an OpenIntro resource or to use the same title (e.g. if the derivative is a translation), please contact us.

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License


Some files are subject to an alternative license. Teacher-only resources and student projects are two such examples. If a file does not have a license on it, assume it is not openly licensed.

Branding elements (e.g. trademark and logo), OpenIntro's website, book covers, etc are also copyrighted and are not licensed for general use.

Some materials, such as lecture slides, may contain images that are used under an alternative license or under fair use.